ROG Delta is the world's first gaming headset with the industry-leading, hi-fi-grade ESS 9218 quad DAC, which delivers impeccably clear and detailed sound to give serious gamers the edge they need to win. ROG Delta features a USB-C connector and comes with a USB-C to USB 2.0 adapter to let you game on your PC, console and mobile device without changing headsets. A one-of-a-kind, circular rainbow RGB lighting effect provides a stylish look to set you apart on the battlefield.
Some people say there is no good sounding gaming headset. Those people have not heard ROG Delta. The hi-fi-grade ESS 9218 Quad-DAC provides lossless audio processing with each DAC devoting its processing power to a subset of the audible frequency range, from lows, mids, highs to ultra-highs. The four signals are then combined, which produces clearer sound with an impressive 127-dB SNR that's much higher than any device in the market. As a result, you can hear and place in-game sounds with pinpoint accuracy, letting you precisely judge enemy distance, direction of footsteps, gunshot locations and more. Hear every detail and enjoy crisp, clear sound for a true-to-life audio experience.
Hyper-Grounding is ROG's exclusive technology, which utilizes a multi-layer PCB and a special layout design to prevent electromagnetic interference, resulting in pure, noise-free audio. Due to this innovative technology, ROG Delta is the world's first gaming headset with RGB lighting that is able to include an ESS Quad DAC and unlock its full potential to provide gamers rich, powerful sound unmatched by other gaming headsets.
Signal to noise ratio is a critical specification for gaming headsets, especially in FPS games. A higher SNR allows you to precisely pinpoint the origin of enemy footsteps, or hone in on the location of gunfire or explosions on battlefield. With its quad-DAC design, ROG Delta is capable of achieving an unprecedented signal-to-noise ratio of 127 dB, a level untouchable by single-DAC gaming headsets.
Show your style with customizable Aura Sync RGB lighting. ROG Delta leaves single-color lighting behind as the world's first gaming headset to feature multi-zone RGB lighting. This captivating effect features seven independent lighting zones with the option to customize the RGB lighting with over 16.8 million color combinations and six preset lighting effects.